Thursday, October 2, 2008

Snippets from a Good Bunch

I thought you might enjoy some of these words from past riffs. Here you are, hope it helps. It should, and when it does, then pass it onto someone else. Everyone could use a little knowledge.

"Fear for Free, Pay for Peace."

Your every thought resonates, and therefore
counts. Always remember this. Each and
every one of your thoughts has a resonance,
and exists forever, until you unthink them.
You literally have to think the thought to
overwrite the previous one.
You have so much power and in gratitude
you may simply Thank God.

To take it a step further, praise His mercy by
doing good deeds, fun things, and really
striving for your happiness. He will be
pleased that you are using what he has given
you to your fullest capacity.
Become a powerful writer. Leave your mark
on the world by exchanging and offering
your thoughts. Use the power of your own
Mind to be present in the most demanding of

Learn to swim through information, through
time, through space. Learn to be Free and
decisive in your own existence. Learn to
leave a lingering trail of energy eminating
from your presence. This will ensure you are
glowing with spiritual power.

The pursuit of this spiritual power is nothing
without positive intent. If you wish to
acquire anything in this material plane, it is
done with intent and nothing else. Each
thought charged with the intent and Desire
to manifest will become action without fail,
whether eventually or immediately.

There is a complete need for your own
spiritual power to manifest. There are
varying speeds depending on what type of
person you are, as there are several hues. It is
not important in terms of an advancing trait,
but more genuinely the advancing attempts
made by you.
The more you strive, the better you become.
There is nothing about your striving that will
amount to little if it is kept up. All that you
attempt to improve will be improved
following the persistence of your intent.

Work is a state of mind. A focus.

Work is Focus.

Focus is the most powerful of your forces.
Imagine a magnifying glass put to ants, a
telescope, a tunnel, a gaze. All of these have
power through focus, have life, have reason,
meaning, character, even desire. All stem
from Focus.

Focus centers a direction, a coordinate. A
thereness , if you will, is born from focus.
This "thereness" is the fundamental secret to
life. It is a commited choice, a system of
energy that will sustain forever, relative only
in form. It is created though, by focus. Even
bilateral focus, a splitting of said focus.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Some good ass ideas

1. Having a font generator for moods. Think about it - here you are, feeling like ass. When suddenly, you want to vent with fingers, come here, and spell it all out. Now, you want the header to really scream "ass", so you go to the nifty "Fontii" (Come on, props) app, plug the header in, the emotion, the punctuation (important), the syntax (important also), and push 'go'. There you have your screaming ass. Good also for myspace bulletins, as you'd be able to embed the resulting .gif or jpg or whatever vector magic anywhere. It'd be in black and white, no colors, let the individual editors handle all that emotional shit.

Could this be done in flash or with some fancy javascript?

2. E Sigs - Stop whining that nobody knows you - and make a simple youtube video that lasts no longer than 9 seconds. That's your E sig. In those 9 wonderful seconds, you get to tell it like it is, and all of it - your story. You can do it, and the resulting video gets posted anywhere it's allowed on the net. anywhere you are. Perfect.

And so that's it. Two. Why only two? Well, those are the two that came to my mind. Let me go see someplace if there's a 3rd. I'll look around now.





3. Synonym Finder. For all you would be net rappers and notepad ghostwriters, this is a decent tool to help you have balanced verses and therefore elements of rhyme. That way even if your fly ass nothings crash and burn, you'll at least have a rhyme scheme. Just saying.

That's all for now, folks. but let us not be without gifts!


Have a good one.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Moderate Means, Although Striving.

There is a willingness for all of us to want what we have not yet reached. This is normal and taps into our intuitive nature, to strive toward completion, perfection.

However, know that perfection belongs to us at all times, and our expression of this perfection is what remains imperfect. As human beings, these bodies were not made to last forever, so our movements with them will not be perfect.

And still, in striving toward this perfection, we are shown more and more of our true natures, and the bliss that comes with knowing it. A question is raised then - what is this striving? What does it involve?

This involves you. Learn yourself and use only what you feel you need, all the while striving for those elements you truly desire. Will you be pleased with this?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

On Waves

Having melted into the web these days, I am distinctly sensitive to what are called (a name I scoff at lightly) "memes" - or trends of web trafficking, idea riding, and conceptual meandering. They offer insight into what can become a social trend, and seems to be a collective way of pitching a direction of progress.

My feeling is, it's about identifying personally these "memes" and riding the waves. At first, they will begin massively, and then cool down to passivity. Over time though, these cycles will be less and less massive, and therefore begin and end more quickly.

So -

When you see a trend emerging, don't put your lame trendy lens on. Instead, be yourself and allow your intuition to comment on what you observe. After some consecutive observances, you'll know inside whether or not it will be something. Over time, your intuition will strengthen, and it is then your life becomes remarkable to you and takes on new meaning.