Wednesday, June 25, 2008

On Waves

Having melted into the web these days, I am distinctly sensitive to what are called (a name I scoff at lightly) "memes" - or trends of web trafficking, idea riding, and conceptual meandering. They offer insight into what can become a social trend, and seems to be a collective way of pitching a direction of progress.

My feeling is, it's about identifying personally these "memes" and riding the waves. At first, they will begin massively, and then cool down to passivity. Over time though, these cycles will be less and less massive, and therefore begin and end more quickly.

So -

When you see a trend emerging, don't put your lame trendy lens on. Instead, be yourself and allow your intuition to comment on what you observe. After some consecutive observances, you'll know inside whether or not it will be something. Over time, your intuition will strengthen, and it is then your life becomes remarkable to you and takes on new meaning.

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